How can therapy help me?

A number of benefits are available from participating in therapy. Therapy can provide support, enhance problem solving skills, and assist you in developing strategies to overcome emotional challenges. Therapy can also facilitate personal growth and provide a fresh perspective on a difficult problem.

Should I really tell a stranger my business?

Some of us come from cultures that have not placed a high value on mental wellness. We are taught to suffer in silence and to not “tell our business to strangers”. When we do this, we perpetuate unhealthy family patterns, and we don’t heal. There is nothing wrong with seeking support. There are some issues that our loved ones cannot help us to resolve, because they may be a part of the problem. It may be time to get support from a trained professional. Therapy can give you tools to avoid triggers, recognize and change unhealthy behavioral patterns, and overcome whatever challenges you are currently facing.

What is therapy like?

Therapy is different for each individual, as each person has different issues and goals. In general, you can expect to discuss current issues in your life, personal history relevant to those issues, and report progress between sessions. Depending on your specific needs, therapy can be short-term to solve a specific issue or long-term to address more challenging issues. Ultimately, therapy is as successful as the efforts put in. It requires active participation by both you as a client, and me as your therapist.